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Governing Body Information

The Vision of the Governing Board of the Devon Moors Federation

Our vision is for the schools of the Devon Moors Federation to be the local schools of choice; promoting a lifelong desire to learn at school and at home, through exploration, experience and challenge, within and beyond the curriculum, in a safe and engaging environment. To achieve this we will recruit, develop and retain inspirational staff of the highest calibre and challenge school leaders to meet the highest academic standards possible for all children in our school regardless of their starting points.


Please use these links to find out more information about our Governing Body.

The Structure of the Governing Body

Register of Business Interests & Register of Roles

Governing Board Organisation

Attendance of Governors at Full Governing Body Meetings (Sept 2022 - July 2024)

Agreed minutes may be viewed by arranging a mutually convenient appointment with the Clerk to Governors. Please email 

Letter from the Governors 20 July 2023